Chris says 'I have always loved writing. Even as a small child, in the infant and junior schools, I would take time to write long stories that probably bored everybody.
In the past I have written poetry and short stories. I have written articles for magazines and then when I was 50, out of the blue, I thought ‘you know what I’m going to write a book’. Since then I’ve written ten and I’m halfway through the eleventh.
Writing enables me to play with language and create pictures out of words and stories. It helps me clarify my thoughts about what I believe, and feel is important, and it gives me a medium to share with others.
I think that I will probably always write, certainly as long as I have a publisher willing to publish!'
When did we stop skipping?
In this book Chris writes in 'the grammar of simplicity,' sharing insights from his varied life as a priest. You feel you are sitting in a chair opposite him, listening, rather than hearing him address you from a pulpit. He shares easily and well because he has first listened and noticed and reflected.

Blessed are you
In this book Chris offers a very accessible exploration of the beatitudes which are so often misunderstood. Using stories from his own experience, each chapter reflects on one of those short sayings drawing out both the blessing they offer to us and the changes we might need to make if we take Jesus' words seriously.

Who do you say I am?
This book seeks to answer the question, Who Do You Say I Am? But, more importantly, Who Is Jesus for me? Chris has skilfully woven a book which can help us answer that question for ourselves. It gives the reader a way of seeing the living Jesus in the pages of the gospels; a Jesus who invites us to respond to his invitation.

O God you search me and you know me
Chris addresses truths that are at the very heart of the Christian life. It is vital that we all know '"we are loved and we are called to love.'' Every chapter contains moving personal stories which show more and more clearly that ''the fulness of God is ours for the asking.''

Meta... what?
Drawing on his fund of engaging stories, Chris unpacks 'metanoia', describing it as a key word in Christian vocabulary which is not about something I have to do but something God does in me as I am led deeper and deeper into the mystery of love and money.

Holiness is for everyone
This book is vintage Thomas. Chris weaves together a biblical narrative with his experience of life. With his well-known knack for telling a good story the reader is invited into life's delight and despair, where the Scriptures take hold, becoming alive, relevant and challenging.

Give thanks with a grateful heart
This latest volume from Chris is another gem, packed with deep insights and rich reflections. If you are new to Chris' writing you are in for a treat. The title of this book is an important reminder in our fast-moving and often self-sufficient society that it is important to take time to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Forgiveness is for giving
In this book Chris takes us on a profound, inner journey, helping us to unmask the many false notions we have absorbed about God and His mercy and convincingly showing us that God's love for us is so unconditional that we can never force him to stop loving us.

Let it begin with me
In this volume Chris tackles some of the fundamental questions relating to God and his creation that occur in our quest for meaning. His method is to reflect on real life stories using Scripture, the tradition of the Church and modern spiritual authors and guides.

Love is the key
Chris Thomas is a gifted storyteller, who links real and inspiring stories from his own life with the stories that Jesus told. In each chapter he confronts and yet reassures the reader about the presence in every part of our life, of the God who loves us.

Books are priced at £9 each and can be purchased from our bookshop.
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