Mo's food cupboard
Our food cupboard is open to anybody in need and we can provide a selection of food items as well as toiletries.
The cupboard is available Monday-Thursday from 10am-4pm.
Please speak to one of our volunteers at the welcome desk if this is something you need.
Can you help us replenish our cupboard?
We are always grateful for donations of cereal, soup, pasta, rice, tinned tomatoes, pasta sauce, lentils, beans and pulses, tinned meat, tinned vegetables, tea and coffee, tinned fruit, biscuits, UHT milk, and fruit juice concentrate.
Toiletries such as deodorant, toilet paper, shower gel, shaving gel, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, tooth paste, hand wipes, sanitary towels and tampons.
Household items such as laundry powder or liquids and washing up liquid, as well as baby supplies like nappies, baby wipes and baby food.
Our food cupboard is named
in loving memory of
Maureen Knight (1942 - 2024),
who was instrumental in its establishment.