Parish retreats
We have brought together a team of people from around the archdiocese who are willing to give of their time and their skill to help others grow in and share their faith.
People have told us how their understanding of faith has changed. We have heard of how images of God have been gently transformed. We have sensed a new confidence in people believing that they have something to share. We have seen people become more aware of the need for prayer and reflection in their lives.

The retreats have never taken the same form in any two places. We tailor them to suit your needs.
We have had a week on the Sacraments, a week on change, a week on images of God. We have led parish weekends on the Scriptures. We have done retreats that have lasted several weeks with one night’s input per week and suggested reflections to help people through the weeks.
The list goes on but each time the effect on people has been amazing.
Please contact us if you are interested in a week like this in your parish.